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Our Price: $1.00

Quantity in Stock:85309

Product Code: 2001

Introducing the new Tree Injection Valve (TIV) by Tree Saver.
The most versatile tree injection valve on the market.

One valve can be used with 3 different size drill bits to…
• Match the density of the trunk (soft use a ¼” drill bit, average use 9/32”, hard use 5/16”)
• Allow a custom fit based on the type of injection performed (high pressure injection use a ¼” drill bit, medium pressure 9/32, low pressure 5/16)
• Can be used on palms, hardwoods, conifers… Any species with sufficient trunk diameter.
• Option to hammer valve all the way in and leave it in the tree or leave the valve sticking out a little bit to remove after injection. Or best of all, recycle the valve for use in another tree.
• Ports ensure injected material is in contact with xylem for transport of product into canopy

Valves are packaged in quantities of 100 but can be broken up.

Price is per valve.
Quantity Discount is applied at checkout.
1-99             $1.00
100-999       $0.95
1000+          $0.90