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Imicide 4ml capsule (carton of 24 capsules)
Imicide 4ml capsule (carton of 24 capsules)
Our Price: $195.00

Quantity in Stock:18

Product Code: 4002

Imicide is a broad spectrum systemic insecticide (10% Imidacloprid).

The Imicide capsule provides the injection system and insecticide into one disposable unit.

Imicide is very effective in controlling Spiraling Whitefly on Palms.

Dosage Rate: 1 ml per inch trunk diamter.
2 ml per inch trunk diameter for severe infestations.

Capsule Size: 4ml (3 capsules needed for average size palm)
24 capsules per carton

11/64" drill bit included.

Click here to visit Mauget's website for additional information including downloadable Label and MSDS.